Reverse-engineering a simple Radio Streaming App

I'm a huge consumer of the radio station Radio 24/7, mainly through their iPhone app. Unfortunately it sometimes acts funny; e.g. if I unplug the headphones from my iPhone usually the app using the audio-output will stop playing -- this is not the case with this app, which sometimes can lead to some interesting situations when the app suddenly starts playing when I least expect it.

Thus I have decided to try to reverse-engineer the app to make it better. This is an unusual path to take, but the app has not been updated in ages, so now I'm just being proactive.

The process

I imagine there are a few steps to go through before the app is ready for deployment:

  1. Investigate the possible end-points to use as streaming-source and program information.
  2. Outline a simple layout and decide Swift or Objective-C should be used.
  3. Development!

I will create a separate post for each step.

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